Monday, February 8, 2010

Garcon a la Pipe

This painting by Picasso, called Garcon a la Pipe, was recently the most expensive piece of artwork sold at an auction. This changed when The Walking Man, by Alberto Giacometti, sold for a tenth of a million dollars more, at $104.3 million. So what makes The Walking Man just as impressive, if not more impressive, than Picasso's famous Garcon a la Pipe? It is difficult for me to see the beauty in The Walking Man. It does not seem like a piece of artwork that deserves such an enormous sum of money. It is interesting, but not so much that it seems reasonable to spend $104.3 million. Looking at Picasso's Garcon a la Pipe, it is much easier to see why this artwork sold at such a high price. Picasso is one of the most famous artists in the world, and this painting is not only beautiful but is also historic. It is clear to see that not your everyday person would have been able to paint this. The painting is interesting but also visually pleasing. In my opinion, this reaction is not as easy to find in The Walking Man, and it will be interesting to learn about different pieces of contemporary art and how so many people find so much beauty in them.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree. The concept, painting technique and expression of this painting are far more impressive, in terms of aesthetic value. Walking man looks like a science project while this is actual art work, something you would want in your house or office, that is not only easy on the eyes and skillfully mastered but also thought provoking.
