Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Custodians of Culture- Schoolyard Art: Playing Fair Without the Referee

Dave Hickey made several important points in his speech on Friday October 12, 2007. Unfortunately, for most people art has become all about making a profit. It is sad that art, which used to be all about creativity and beauty, and buying pieces that you really loved, has become more about making money. Now you can but art for millions and millions of dollars, and people are simply buying the items so that some day you can turn around and sell the art for more money. Dave Hickey has called artists greedy and collectors stupid for their acts, and it is hard to disagree with this. People who are interested in art simply for making money have turned the art world into something that it should not be, and some day when "art bubbles" have collapsed, these people are the ones who are going to be hurt. The whole format of the art world has changed. Before, when artist sold enough of their work through brokers to the community it was assumed that their work would make it into museums and the artists would be recognized for their work and become public figures. This depended on the likes and dislikes of the community and it depended upon honest work. This is no longer true. There are now art dealers whose job it is to be right and make a profession out of it. They give price points and this is how artwork now becomes popular. This is sadly creating dishonesty in the art world. Hopefully sometime in the future this system will change and people will buy art because they love it and artists will receive credit because they deserve it.

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